Ceremony in Hesekê to bid farewell to 8 SDF fighters

Ceremony in Hesekê to bid farewell to 8 SDF fighters


Eight Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters fell martyr during the Resistance of Honor.

They were Mehmûd Ubêd (Zagros Hesekê), Elî Xizêm Arkêş, Ehmed El-Sebrî (Merwan Hesekê), Heysem Eyo (Çiyareş Hesekê), Ciyawar Hisên (Şahîn Numan), Muhened El-Qati (Hemûdî Heseh) , Mîlad El-Telaa (Rênas Hesekê) and Self-Defense Forces Member Hesen El-Xelef.

Thousands of people attended the ceremony held at the Martyr Dijwar Martyrs graveyard.

At the ceremony, after the minute silence to pay tribute to all martyrs a military act was held by YPG and YPJ.

Hesekê member of the Martyrs’ Families Assembly, Îbrahîm Hisên said: “The peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria have always demanded peace. The whole world became one against the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria. But everyone should be known that the stronger our enemies, the stronger will be our resistance.”

PYD member Mistefa Ehmed said: “We need to know that the aim of this war is to target the people’s culture, language and brotherhood.”

Speaking on behalf of the SDF, Hogir Mele said: “Our promise to the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria is to resist against all attacks on the gains achieved by the martyrs”.

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