Tag "Serekaniye"

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Foza Yusif: Turkey and ISIS fear the power of women


PYD co-presidency council member Foza Yusif said that the attacks of the brutal forces such as Turkey and ISIS cannot force women to take a step back from their will and the struggle for freedom.

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Turkish-ISIS Belt replaces Arab Belt


Post Views: 57 “The demographics of Syria’s most stable and secure lands is being changed by the joint plan of the UN (United Nations), USA, Russia and the European Union (EU), writes Ferda Çetin.

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Autonomous Administration: Situation in Hol Camp concerns the whole world


Post Views: 16 The North and East Syria Autonomous Administration has issued a call to the international community to take their responsibility for Hol camp.

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Post Views: 278 Meryem Kobane was the general commander of the ypj (women’s defense units) in the region of kobane. Under her command the YPG (people’s defense units) and the YPJ have resisted the siege of the city by the

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The new house of banos film


Banos Film was forced to move from Serekaniye, like the almost totality of the city’s citizens. Turkey and its mercenaries attacked the city, destroying houses, plundering properties, forcing people out of their houses.

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Ilham Ahmad: The Turkish state carries out war crimes, Europe must take a stance


Post Views: 8 The president of the Executive Committee of the Syrian Democratic Council, Ilham Ahmed, told Reuters that the Turkish state is committing war crimes against the components of north and east of Syria, and it threatens the whole

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Call from the Rojava International Film Festival


Post Views: 11 The third edition of the Rojava International Film Festival is supposed to begin on 13 November. Everything was ready and the Rojava Film Commune, organiser of the Festival, was particularly happy this year as the number of

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Kurdish journalist died in Serêkaniyê


Post Views: 14 Free press worker Vedat Erdemci died in an air raid on Serêkaniyê on the third day of the Turkish invasion. The Democratic Press Union of Northeast Syria (YRD) announced that free press worker Vedat Erdemci died in

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Rojava: The darkness may seem impenetrable, but the light is stronger


Post Views: 24 Talks between Turkey and Russia, concluded with an “agreement”, are the continuation of the “Ceasefire Agreement” between USA and Turkey in Ankara on October 16th, which legitimized the occupation of Rojava. The negotitations between USA and Turkey,

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Turkish army and mercenaries attacked villages of Serêkaniyê


Post Views: 13 The Turkish state and its mercenaries attacked many villages of Serêkaniyê on Friday and met with the resistance of the SDF fighters who responded within the scope of self-defense. The invaders were dealt a heavy blow in the

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