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The new house of banos film


Banos Film was forced to move from Serekaniye, like the almost totality of the city’s citizens. Turkey and its mercenaries attacked the city, destroying houses, plundering properties, forcing people out of their houses.

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Diarios desde Chile: Mauro Alejandro Castillo, Fotógrafo


Post Views: 28 Hace unos años me di cuenta que con el pasar del tiempo, cada vez me era más difícil sostener una vida en la capital, los trabajos no duraban lo que solían durar, la remuneración no daba para

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Kobane, three years after


Patrizia Fiocchetti was in Kobane just after its liberation from DAESH, in January 2015

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Turkey decides between democracy and dictatorship on Sunday


The HDP uniting Kurds and the left from all nations of Turkey, have run an election campaign marked by aggression and prohibition

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The historic Congress of the FARC-EP has begun in Bogota


Some 1200 guerrillas’ delegates have reached Bogota from all Zones to attend the event at the Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada Convention Center in Bogota and will be joined by about 100 international guests and 400 journalists

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Irish Dail report shows a United Ireland may be closer than ever


Post Views: 20 An Irish parliamentary report on achieving Irish unity has placed the republican goal of a united Ireland in the context of 26 County constitutional parliamentary politics for the first time.

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Roboski Massacre: Five Years on


On the night of 28 December 2011 Turkish warplanes carried out a bombing in the district of Uludere/Roboski resulting in the death of 34 civilians, 18 of whom were children.

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Italian Bank Bailout and Ireland


Sinn Féin MEP Matt Carthy has said reports that the proposed bank bailout in Italy will see the burning of bondholders

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Suspect in Kurdish Women Murder Dies in Prison


Post Views: 14 Omer Guney, the 34 year-old jailed suspect of the assassination of three Kurdish women activists in Paris in 2013 has died in hospital days before his trial. The only suspect in the killing of Kurdistan Workers Party

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Un día, esta semana: Camilo Cienfuegos


Camilo es una figura legendaria, es la idea que yo tengo de Camilo, hasta de su mismo nombre nada común, lleno de fuerza y de poesía al mismo tiempo

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