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Prisoners in Turkish jails on hunger strike against isolation of Öcalan


On 27 November political prisoners in Turkish jails went on hunger strike demanding the end of the isolation imposed on Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan and the ongoing violations in prisons.

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Tuberculosis epidemic in Şakran Prison


The prisoners in Şakran T Type Closed Prison are reported to have caught the tuberculosis epidemic along with Covid-19. It is informed that the prison administration concealed the epidemic and did not take any measures.

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Women politicians in prison send messages to mark 25 November


Women prisoners in Kocaeli Kandıra F-Type High Security Prison shared their messages of solidarity to mark 25 November, International Day of Struggle against Violence Against Women.
Some of the women prisoners in Kocaeli Kandıra F-Type High Security Prison shared their messages of solidarity to mark 25 November, International Day of Struggle against Violence Against Women.

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Resistance. For Ilhan Comak and all political prisoners in Turkey


İlhan Sami Çomak, who was born in 1973, was arrested as a young student in 1994. There is currently a campaign and increased publicity to try and get this poet released

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Italy prison riots appeal


Thirteen dead prisoners. A staggering number

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Families visited Öcalan and 3 other prisoners in Imrali after 6 months


Post Views: 56 According to Asrin Law Office, family members of Imrali prisoners have visited their relatives. For the first time after six months in total isolation, Abdullah Öcalan and his fellow prisoners Ömer Hayri Konar and Veysi Aktaş were

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