Tag "Freedom"

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Maxmur resident Metin Adogit falls a martyr in a KDP jail in Hewlêr


Post Views: 9 The people in Maxmur Martyr Rüstem Cudi Camp have been living under embargo and cannot leave the camp since 17 July 2019.

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Turkish army trains children for war in Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî


Post Views: 3 The Turkish army is recruiting and training children for their mercenary groups in the occupied areas of Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî.

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Yaşar: Hunger strikers risk death to see life prevail


Post Views: 28 Sevican Yaşar took part in the hunger strike launched in 2019 for the lifting of the isolation of the Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan. Hunger strike means “accepting death for life,” she says.

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‘International Öcalan Freedom Campaign’ kicks off in South Africa


Post Views: 30 South Africa’s largest trade union confederation launched a joint campaign in support of jailed Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Ocalan.

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Sara’s traces in Rojava: Free Kurdistan and free woman


Post Views: 52 Sakine Cansiz, Sara, left fond memories and marks in every life she touched, also in Rojava, where tens of thousands of women follow on her path today.

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“I want a bicycle” campaign growing in Qamishlo


Post Views: 13 Women in Qamishlo launched the “I want a bike” initiative to encourage environmental awareness against pollution and to encourage women to use bicycles.

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Sakine, Fidan and Leyla: The search for justice continues


Post Views: 39 Eight years ago today the bodies of three revolutionary Kurdish women were found at a community centre in a Paris suburb. Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) co-founder Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez had been shot in

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Noam Chomsky will open Rojava Freedom Annual Lecture Series


Post Views: 28 Noam Chomsky to open Rojava Freedom Annual Lecture Series organised by the University of Rojava. The Institute of Social Sciences at Rojava University will hold a special event on 15 January. The event is the Rojava Freedom

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