Tag "Freedom"

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German-Turkey collaboration over Leopard tanks continues


Post Views: 14 New investigation report published in the German magazine Stern reveals Germany still selling tank parts to Turkey.

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HDP pays tribute to journalist Hrant Dink on 14th anniversary of his murder


Post Views: 14 Today marks the 14th anniversary of the murder of journalist Hrant Dink. The HDP said: “We know well who Dink’s killer are.”

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Kongra Star calls for an end to the occupation of Afrin


Post Views: 7 Kongra Star issued a statement to mark the 3rd anniversary of the invasion of Afrin carried out by Turkey.

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Hunger strikes against isolation continue on day 55


Post Views: 2 The hunger strike launched on 27 November by prisoners to demand the end to the isolation imposed upon Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan and the violations in prisons continues on its 55th day.

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Is the Islamic State coming back?


Post Views: 22 In the past few days there have been a series of large-scale ISIS attacks in Syria. Is the Islamic State coming back?

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Shocking new evidence in British supplies to Turkish killer drones 0


Post Views: 11 Shocking new evidence reveals a six-year secret history of British supplied technology that has fuelled Turkey’s dirty drone wars.

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Chomsky: The Rojava Revolution is a miracle that the world must see


Post Views: 26 Noam Chomsky said that Rojava is going through a difficult process and that it is a miracle that it has survived until now.

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Journalists at Morning Star union makes Leyla Güven honorary member


Post Views: 9 Members of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Morning Star Chapel made Leyla Güven a “symbolic member” following a meeting held on Zoom on Thursday night.

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Noam Chomksy opens Rojava University Freedom Lectures


Post Views: 33 Today linguist Noam Chomsky will inaugurate the the Rojava Freedom lecture series at the Rojava University in Qamishlo.

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KNK calls for urgent action for Kurdish activists detained in Iran


Post Views: 17 Urgent political, diplomatic and legal action directed at the Iranian regime is needed to protect the lives of at least 11 Kurdish activists and students who have been detained by IRGC in Iran.

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