Tag "human rights"

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Ucrania vs. Rusia ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia


A solicitud de Ucrania, la Corte Internacional de Justicia (ICJ) celebró este 7 de marzo audiencias públicas en La Haya

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A Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights


The global architecture of the economy has been designed to fit and facilitate the operations of transnational corporations. The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity

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Naciones Unidas: el voto en favor de mas justicia para las víctimas palestinas


En los últimos días de su sesión anual en Ginebra, el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas adoptó la resolución titulada “Human Rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the obligation to ensure accountability and justice”

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Palestine. Brèves remarques concernant la décision récente de la Chambre Préliminaire de la CPI


Dans une décision très attendue rendue le 5 février 2021, la Chambre préliminaire de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) a décidé que la CPI est pleinement compétente pour juger les exactions commises par Israël dans tous les territoires palestiniens, sans aucune exception

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Palestina/Corte Penal Internacional: camino despejado para la justicia penal internacional


Este 5 de febrero del 2021, la Sala de lo Preliminar de la Corte Penal Internacional decidió que la CPI tiene plena jurisdicción para conocer de exacciones cometitas por Israel en todos los territorios palestinos

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KNK calls for urgent action for Kurdish activists detained in Iran


Post Views: 17 Urgent political, diplomatic and legal action directed at the Iranian regime is needed to protect the lives of at least 11 Kurdish activists and students who have been detained by IRGC in Iran.

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Kurdish campaigners urge Everton FC to act after Tosun fascist salute


Post Views: 29 Football governing bodies and Everton FC must take a clear stand against racism and say that Kurdish Lives Matter after Tosun fascist salute, campaigners say.

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Peace in Kurdistan Campaign has just published an open letter to Britain’s Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, the Rt. Hon. Dominic Raab MP, on the recent sentencing of  Leyla Güven

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Kurdish writer Roza Metina detained in Amed 0


Jinnews Kurdish service editor and writer Roza Metina was taken into custody on Friday morning during a raid on her home

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Families of Er and Dağ appeal to international community  0


Abdurrahman Er and Mazlum Dağ were sentenced to death on 11 February 2020 by the Second Hall of the Erbil Criminal Court in the Autonomous Region of Iraqi Kurdistan . Their parents spoke to GR about the latest situation of their sons

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