Tag "Labour party"

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Jeremy Corbyn y su Labour, o como la gente ha vuelto a hacer politica


Post Views: 25 La mujer que abre la puerta tiene unos 40 años, el edificio donde vive es un típico bloque de apartamentos sociales en el popular barrio de Hackney.

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UK ELECTION 2017: ‘A seismic shift has occurred in British politics’  


The 2017 general election was a once-in-a-generation opportunity that the Tories fumbled and Labour exploited to remarkable effect

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UK ELECTION 2017: ‘Theresa May offers nothing but the status quo’


Since the advent of New Labour in 1997, a common trope of general election campaigns has been the (invariably unfulfilled) promise of a new way of doing politics

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Britain: ‘For The Many, Not The Few’


‘For The Many, Not The Few’: Labour Manifesto Offers Blueprint for Global Left

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Enda Kenny re-elected Taoiseach after ‘tawdry deals’


Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has received the seal of office of Taoiseach from the President after being re-elected this afternoon with the help of nine independents and the tacit support of Fianna Fail

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Exit poll shows Fine Gael/Labour govt has been ousted


An exit poll of Ireland’s general election carried out by the Irish Times indicates no possibility of a return to government for the current Fine Gael/Labour coalition

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Right2Change – A time for change


February 26thcan be a historic game changer for politics in this part of the island. It offers a stark choice between the old self-serving politics of cronyism, corruption and looking after the golden circles and elites, and a new politics that is accountable, transparent, people centred

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Yes Meet Jez


Much space in the newspaper comment pages has been given over to speculation about what a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour party would mean for Scotland’s independence movement

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