Tag "Women"

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Foza Yusif: Turkey and ISIS fear the power of women


PYD co-presidency council member Foza Yusif said that the attacks of the brutal forces such as Turkey and ISIS cannot force women to take a step back from their will and the struggle for freedom.

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430 women murdered in Turkey in first 11 months of 2019


Post Views: 7 According to the November report of the Platform to Stop Murders of Women, 39 women were murdered in Turkey in a month. In the first 11 months of the year, at least 430 women were killed by

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Iran: Abusive forced veiling laws police women’s lives


Under the country’s compulsory veiling laws, women and girls – even those as young as seven – are forced to cover their hair with a headscarf against their will. Women who do not are treated as criminals by the state.

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International Women’s Day, March 8, Nigerian Women Fight Back


On March 8 each year, there is certainly no shortage of outrages that have been perpetrated against women over the course of another year of violence, human rights abuses and oppression

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Open Letter to World Women, from Colombian Women


Post Views: 133 The guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP), meeting in the Temporary Zone of La Elvira, Cauca, with great satisfaction, report to have successfully completed the first national gender workshop held throughout our organization’s history.

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