Univeristy threatens kurdish students 0


Post Views: 10   180 Kurdish students are threatened shortly before their examination with a disciplinary action which could mean expulsion from the University. A letter written in Arabic from university authorities has reached the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV)

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ROAD MAP/Ertugrul Kurkcu analysis 0


Post Views: 11 Is the government credible and sincere in its “initiative? Everyone who has had their fingers burnt before is asking this question, and one cannot but sympathise with their doubts if one looks at the past. However, the

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Londra: trattare con i talebani per uscire dal pantano afghano 0


Post Views: 3 Se la conferenza dell’Aia aveva cominciato a ipotizzare un dialogo con la parte più moderata dei taleban, quella di Londra si è aperta con questa consapevolezza: o si riesce ad avviare un dialogo o la guerra rischia

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