
Post Views: 4 Il servizi televisivi della Unione Europea sono stati protagonisti di un palese episodio di censura. Il giornalista irlandese del The Guardian, David Cronin, ha messo in atto una singolare forma di protesta contro il ministro degli Esteri

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Libya: Governments Should Demand End to Unlawful Killings 0


Post Views: 6 Death Toll Up to at Least 233 Over Four Days © 2011 Human Rights Watch Update: Death Toll Up to At Least 233The estimated death toll from four days of protests in cities across Libya has risen

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Iraq: Vulnerable Citizens at Risk 0


Post Views: 7 Women, Journalists, Detainees, Marginalized Groups Under Threat 8 Years After Invasion (Beirut) – The rights of Iraq’s most vulnerable citizens, especially women and detainees, are routinely violated with impunity, Human Rights Watch said in a report released

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Oil Giant Gets a Shelling 0


Post Views: 4 David Versus Goliath Off the Irish Coast By Jill Petzinger Scannáin Inbhear The documentary “The Pipe,” shown during the Berlinale film festival, tells the story of residents in a remote Irish coastal community who took on the oil giant Shell, and their

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Unblocking Syria’s social media 0


Post Views: 6 Some wonder if Syria’s decision to allow access to facebook and blog sites is just a new way to track activists. Jillian York Free access to social networking sites is different from free expression, says Jillian York [Reuters]

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Violence rages in Libya protests 0


Post Views: 8 Protesters say government using fighter jets and live ammunition attacks rallies, raising the death toll to almost 300 Anti-government protesters say they have taken control of several towns [Reuters] Libyan forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi are fighting

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‘No surprise if PKK tries to influence June 12 elections’ 0


Post Views: 3 AL? ASLAN KILIÇ ANKARA Süleyman Özeren Stressing that there isn’t the slightest sign that the terror organization the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has given up its aims to establish an “independent Kurdistan,” associate professor at the National

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Turkey says Tunisia revolt could be model for others 0


Post Views: 5 ERCAN YAVUZ / SERVET YANATMA TUNIS Tunisia’s revolution could provide a model for other countries seeking reform if it can avoid pitfalls on the path to elections, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu said on Monday A popular

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Turkey in minefield as popular uprisings engulf Arab world 0


Post Views: 10 FATMA DEM?RELL? ?STANBUL Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi has been facing massive protests for a week For any foreign policy maker in any country, the Arab world looks like nothing but a minefield these days as massive protests

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Post Views: 7 Lo scrittore e filosofo spagnolo Fernando Savater, tra gli ispiratori del partito Union, Progresso y Democracia, ha affermato in una intervista a Telecinco che non è “arrabbiato” con il tema del terrorismo, ma anzi “che lo deve

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