Back to homepageNace CELAC, Europa agoniza – Juna Carlos Monedero 0
Post Views: 8 Sarkozy, Merkel, Rajoy hablan del continente. Les salen bancos, recortes, sacrificios sociales. Se les ha olvidado Europa. O nunca la entendieron. Empezaron en la política de políticos.Y cuando te socializas en
Post Views: 8 Di qualche giorno fa, riproduciamo questa lettera di due baschi contro le letture leghiste (e le presunte simmetrie che pretendono di scorgervi) delle vittorie politiche della sinistra abertzale. Le scrivono due cittadini baschi residenti in
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Post Views: 5 Brian Currin avvocato sudafricano, ha svolto un ruolo importante nel tessere la rete di sostegno internazionale che ha accompagnato la svolta strategica della sinistra indipendentista basca. Ha dato il suo contributo ad altri processi di soluzione di
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Post Views: 10 How can Egypt’s elections be described as free and non-violent when the country has so many political prisoners? Mark LeVine The activists who returned to Tahrir Square last week have a variety of views on the elections
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Post Views: 15 Carlos Aznárez Resumen Latinoamericano Otra vez suenan tambores de guerra en la región mapuche del sur de Chile, más precisamente en la zona de Ercilla, donde está asentada la Comunidad Autónoma Temucuicui.Cumpliendo con precisas instrucciones llegadas desde
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Post Views: 7 Los informes del Consejo Nacional de Inteligencia Roberto M. Yepe Papastamatin Rebelión Como parte de la denominada Comunidad de Inteligencia de los Estados Unidos, el Consejo Nacional de Inteligencia (NIC, por sus siglas en inglés) es el
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Post Views: 17 Banners and tents are reflected in a water puddle in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on 28 November 2011. (Photo: AFP – Odd Andersen) By: Serene Assir Despite a fierce security crackdown, the onset of elections, and vilification by
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Post Views: 9 The argument that the country was in too much turmoil to hold elections has, so far, not been borne out Editorial For much of the last year, the rise of political Islam as a beneficiary of the
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Post Views: 6 Crónica | En el Valle de los Caídos Nadie habla en el Valle de los Caídos, el gran mausoleo que custodia los restos de Francisco Franco y José Antonio Primo de Rivera, así como de combatientes franquistas
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Post Views: 6 ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News The self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army agrees to use arms for ‘defensive reasons’ and to halt its attacks against Damascus after a meeting with other dissidents in Turkey Ahmed Ramadan (R) speaks to Hürriyet
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