Hundreds of civilians have died in Turkey since July 2015

Hundreds of civilians have died in Turkey since July 2015


HDP (People Democratic Party) deputies have begun an hunger strike in the Interior Ministry to protest against the ongoing clashes between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants. The clashes have left many civilians dead in the last weeks. Indeed 283 people have died as a result of clashes since 12 July 2015. The detailed list (with names, date of death and reason for death) have been compiled by Kurdish associations and lists civilian casualties up to 20 January.

The weeks-long curfews in six Sur neighborhoods were expanded to other neighborhoods in the tense district. The Sur District Governor’s Office has imposed new curfews in the Abdaldede, Alipa?a, Lalebey, Süleyman Nazif and Ziya Gökalp neighborhoods as well as Melikahmet Street. The curfews were imposed as of 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday and will be in effect until further notice.

In a statement released on its website, the General Staff said six soldiers, four of whom were in critical condition, had been injured in an armed attack perpetrated by PKK members in Sur.

The military also said 11 PKK members died in the town of Cizre, near the Syrian border, in addition to nine in Sur on Tuesday, bringing the death toll of PKK members in the two towns to around 600 since military operations began there last month. Numbers are possibly different from those provided from the army as to the number of death among guerrillas. As always, in fact, the army tends to inflate figures. This said, the reality is that as well as among civilians, both among guerrillas and security forces, hundreds have died.


The historic Sur district, enclosed by city walls from the Roman era, has suffered extensive damage in the fighting and much of it has been under a round-the-clock curfew since December 2.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has released a report last December underlining the high number of civilian deaths in the Southeast since late July. Although the number of casualties given by the international association is quite lower compare to that given by people and associations on the ground, the report exposes the heavy operations carried out by Turkish military since last July.


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