UK actress Maxine Peake sent message to World Day Rally in Amed

UK actress Maxine Peake sent message to World Day Rally in Amed


UK actress Maxine Peake has sent a heartfelt video solidarity greeting to today’s World Peace Day rally in Amed.
Maxine Peake was part of the 2019 International Peace Delegation to İmralı which earlier this year, from 11-16 February 2019, traveled to Turkey and the Turkish region of Kurdistan.
Other members of the delegation included Tony Burke, the assistant general secretary of Unite the union, Manuel Cortes, the general secretary of the Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) union, Paul Scholey, partner of Morrish Solicitors, LLP, Beverly Keene, an activist and lecturer in economics in Argentina, John Hunt, a writer and editor, and Jon Spaull, a photographer and filmmaker.
Maxine Peake, known for her role in TV series “Black Mirror” and “The Village”, also was the “voice” in the documentary entitled “Imralı” made by John Hunt, a writer and editor, and Jon Spaull, a filmmaker and photographer.

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