Prisoner in Maraş Türkoğlu prison denounces beating and torture

Prisoner in Maraş Türkoğlu prison denounces beating and torture


A prisoner in Maraş Türkoğlu L Type Closed Prison, Sedat Karak, denounced that he and four of his friends were tortured by the guards and that they had fractures in their hands, feet and heads.

Sedat Karak is held in Maraş Türkoğlu L Type Closed Prison. In a phone call with his family he denounced that him and four other prisoners were attacked by guards.

Karak shared the following information: “30-40 guards entered the A-17 room where we stayed. The guards battered me, Veysi Altan, Servan Sertkaya, Orhan Doru and Ihsan Oran. There were fractures in my hand and in the head and feet of my friends. Although two friends sustained serious fractures, they were not taken to the hospital.”

Kara’s aunt, Üezş Karak, who spoke on the phone with her nephew, said his tone sounded bad. “Sedat said to me, ‘I’m glad I came to the phone and talked to you. Today they tortured us. My arm and my friends’ heads are broken. Denounce our situation here.”

Karak called for people to be aware of what happened.

Prisoners on hunger strike have been attacked in Türkoğlu L Type Closed Prison before.

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