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The writer and academic Refaat Alareer killed yesterday by Israeli bombs


The last thing he wrote to his friends was: “The situation is very desolate, we don’t even have water… I only have my pen, I will throw it at the occupying soldiers if they invade, even if it were to be the last thing I’ll do”

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Egypt. No More Impunity, Truth and Justice for All


When they ask for truth and justice for their son, Giulio Regeni, his parents always do so by adding at the end of the sentence “for all Giuli and Giulie”, aware that the victims of forced disappearance and torture in Egypt are a multitude lacking all protection

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Afghan women days


A two-day event dedicated to Afghan women was held at the European Parliament, with the speeches of numerous institutional personalities and Afghan activists. The commitment of Fight Impunity and our Report on Global Rights to create a support network for Afghan women inside and outside the country

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Exacciones de Israel en Gaza: Consejo de Derechos Humanos crea mecanismo de investigación


El pasado 27 de mayo, el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidados adoptó hoy una resolución que establece una comisión internacional independiente para investigar las exacciones cometidas en estas ultimas semanas en Gaza  por parte de Israel

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For Abdullah Öcalan! For the Kurdish Freedom Struggle!


February 15 marks the 22nd year since the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan was violently abducted by Turkish commandos while seeking refuge from the Greek Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya

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Palestina/Corte Penal Internacional: camino despejado para la justicia penal internacional


Este 5 de febrero del 2021, la Sala de lo Preliminar de la Corte Penal Internacional decidió que la CPI tiene plena jurisdicción para conocer de exacciones cometitas por Israel en todos los territorios palestinos

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Meral Çiçek on the bombing of Maxmur Refugee Camp


Dr. Jeff Miley interviewed Meral Çiçek about the recent Turkish bombing of the Maxmur Refugee Camp and Sinjar (Shengal)

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Online special issue of Global Rights Magazine


Post Views: 19 “Rovi di Mare – Visioni di un orizzonte in bilico” is the title of the art exhibition, which opens on 30 January in Turin, by Petra Probst and Flavio Tiberti in memory of the victims of the

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Rusia despliega misiles hipersónicos de última generación


Post Views: 38 El pasado viernes se conoció el despliegue por parte del Ejército ruso del primer regimiento de misiles hipersónicos Avangard, un arma de última generación que según declaraciones del Presidente Vladimir Putin son capaces de alcanzar su objetivo

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Rusia, China e Irán realizan ejercicios marítimos conjuntos en el Golfo de Omán


Post Views: 6 Unidades de las marina de Rusia, China e Irán realizan ejercicios militares en el Golfo de Omán. Según informaciones oficiales está previsto que las maniobras duren hasta el 30 de diciembre, sin embargo no se precisaron las

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