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Bosphorus (Boğaziçi) University resists the trustee policy


Together with the AKP’s 19 years in power, there has been an increase in the number of
universities, however this increase has coincided with a worsening of the academia and scientific
quality of research.

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Dengbêj of the Future: Herêm Nêrgîz


Herêm Nêrgîz was interested in Dengbêj at an early age in a musician family, and today she is taking Dengbêj and Baglama training by singing folk songs and strans.

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Court accuses MA journalist Aslan of “spreading provocative reports”


The investigation against journalist Mehmet Aslan has been concluded. The journalist is now charged with “membership of a terrorist organization” and “spreading provocative reports”.

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History destroyed in Sur: Concrete houses are sold for 1 million TL


Six neighbourhoods of the borough of Sur in Diyarbakır (Amed) have been banned for 5 years. Six neighbourhoods surrounded by concrete blocks first and then by 3 meters long iron sheets have been banned for 1,826 days.

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Prisoners in Turkey on 67th day of hunger strike against isolation


PKK and PAJK prisoners entered the 67th day of hunger strike against isolation.
Solidarity hunger strikes are being carried out in Maxmur Camp and Lavrio Refugee Camp in Greece.

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Court sentences MA journalist Sayılğan to 4 years’ imprisonment


Mezopotamya Agency journalist Idris Sayılğan was sentenced to 4 years in prison. The verdict hearing was held at the 2nd High Criminal Court in Muş.

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Turkish-ISIS Belt replaces Arab Belt


Post Views: 57 “The demographics of Syria’s most stable and secure lands is being changed by the joint plan of the UN (United Nations), USA, Russia and the European Union (EU), writes Ferda Çetin.

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British train drivers union demands the government to end arm sales to Turkey


Post Views: 43 British train drivers union Aslef demanded the British government end arm sales to Turkey, saying it is “wrong to profit from the oppression of the Kurds.”

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YPG on Kobane victory: We will continue to do everything to defend our people and our revolution


Post Views: 154 YPG vowed that they would keep up the struggle against all forms of attacks with determination and with the great spirit of resistance of Kobane and would continue to do “everything in our power to defend our

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Autonomous Administration: Kobane victory is a legacy for the whole world and humanity


Post Views: 23 The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria called for Turkish occupation to be stopped, saying “The liberation of Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî is as important as the liberation of Kobane.”

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