Tag "Bobby Sands"

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Irish republicans pay tribute to Bobby Sands by reading his diary entries


Former Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams says that to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Bobby Sands hunger strike, 17 activists will read one of Bobby’s 17 diary entries.

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The Window of my mind


An essay originally written by Bobby Sands in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh in 1979

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Victory to the Hunger strikers


Last week, we remembered with pride Bobby Sands and Francis Hughes, who died on hunger strike in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh in 1981

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the countless Kurdish political prisoners held in Turkish jails, 26 of whom have been on hunger strike since early February

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I am proud to be a rebel – Roger Casement by Gerry Adams


Tuesday was the anniversary of Big Doc’s (Kieran Doherty) death on hunger strike. He died the day after Kevin Lynch

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Bobby Sands: The revolutionary spirit of freedom


At 1.17 a.m. on Tuesday, May 5th, 1981, having completed sixty-five days on hunger-strike, Bobby Sands MP, died in the H-Block prison hospital at Long Kesh

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The Challenges Ahead – Five for west Belfast


Next Thursday May 5th – the anniversary of the death on hunger strike of my friend and comrade Bobby Sands – there will an election to the Assembly

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Michel Martin could play a leadership role in the necessary process of making Irish unity a reality


during and after the general election the one thing that all Fianna Fáil spokespersons agreed on was their hostility to Sinn Féin emerging as the official opposition in the Dáil.

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1981 Hunger Strike – inflicted a historic defeat on the Thatcher government


Several weeks ago Sinn Féin’s hugely successful and popular re-enactment of the funeral of O’Donovan Rossa showed what can be achieved to further popularise the struggle for freedom, as well as to celebrate the lives of national heroes

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Remembering the Hunger Strikers – National Commemoration Sunday August 23rd


Post Views: 22   National Hunger strike March is on Sunday August 23rd. Assemble 2.15pm Bailigh at 2.15 to walk to New Inn, Newry Road at 3pm1981 was a tumultuous period in modern Irish history and the 1981 hunger strike

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