Back to homepageIl PJAK, i curdi e le elezioni in Iran 0
Post Views: 9 Nelle ultime settimane si è parlato molto di Iran, in virtù del contestato risultato delle elezioni presidenziali e della rabbiosa reazione popolare che ha messo in seria crisi l’establishment statale e governativo della Repubblica islamica iraniana. Ma
Read MorePJAK, the Kurds and Iranian elections
During the last weeks much has been said about Iran, because of the rageful demonstrations and riots that followed the contested results of the presidential elections, seriously challenging the establishment and government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. But few or nothing has been said, in western media, on the effects of this electoral process on the Iranian Kurdish population, amounting to an esteemed number of 5 millions people (on a total Iranian population of about 70 millions), and mostly concentrated in the north-eastern regions of the country, the ones bordering Turkey and Iraq. Moreover, it should be kept in mind that the Iranian Kurdish region still holds a special symbolic value for the whole of Kurdish population: it was here, in the city of Mahabad, that the first Kurdish republic was established between 1945 and 1946, with the support of Soviet Union.
Read MoreFears for the life of kurdish activist 0
Post Views: 7 Jakarkhon Sheikho ‘Ali, aged 28, was arrested on the evening of 20 June,apparently by Syrian Military Security. For the first week of Jakarkhon Sheikho‘Ali’s detention, his family did not have any information regarding his fate orwhereabouts. Through
Read MoreUniversity in Aleppo threatens Kurdish students 0
Post Views: 8 180 Kurdish students are threatened shortly before their examination with a disciplinary action which could mean expulsion from the University. A letter written in Arabic from university authorities has reached the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) with
Apología de la contaminación o el conflictos entre ideas
Allá por el 1991 la televisión italiana emitió una entrevista con un portavoz de ETA. El revuelo en el Reino de España fue extraordinario. Algunos medios llegaron a pedir la expulsión del enviado de la RAI en el Reino. Como reparación a alguien, en la dirección del la televisión italiana, se le ocurrió la idea de entrevistar al entonces secretario de estado para la seguridad, Rafael Vera. El periodista le preguntó a qué se debía tanto ruido por una entrevista. Rafael Vera preguntó, a su vez, sobre la reacción que tendría el Gobierno italiano si la televisión española entrevistara a un jefe de la mafia. El periodista le respondió que ningún Gobierno italiano se había sentado públicamente en una mesa a dialogar, en un país extranjero, con representantes de la mafia como lo había hecho el Gobierno español en Argel con representantes de ETA.
Read MoreKurds hanged in Iran 0
Post Views: 6 Once again 4 young kurdish students have been hanged in Iran. Once again 4 young kurdish students have been hanged in Iran.Once again 4 young kurdish students have been hanged in Iran.Once again 4 young kurdish students
Read MoreDavutoglu flies to Baghdad
Post Views: 8 The Foreign Affairs Turkish Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has left this morning (11th august 2009) for Baghdad, in order to keep defining some important strategic agreements. While the Turkish governement keeps declaring its optimism and its new openings
Read MoreGuler Zere rischia di morire in carcere
Post Views: 7 Guler Zere ha 37 anni, sta scontando una condanna a 14 anni per essere membro di una organizzazione della sinistra turca. Quando era rinchiusa nel carcere di Elbistan le è stato diagnosticato un tumore alla bocca
Read MoreContinuano i preparativi per il social forum 0
Post Views: 9 Continuano i preparativi per il primo incontro internazionale del Mesopotamian Social Forum, che si terrà a Diyarbakir tra il 28 e il 30 settembre. Sulla scia dei modelli di Social Forum nati in Europa a partire dal
Read MoreKurdistan turco. La pace possibile 0
Striscioni, urla, insulti. Il parlamento turco lo scorso 10 novembre si è trasformato in una sorta di ring. All’ordine del giorno l’annuncio ufficiale, per molti versi storico, da parte del ministro degli interni Besir Atalay della cosiddetta “iniziativa kurda”, ovvero il pacchetto di misure messe a punto dal governo per “risolvere” la questione kurda. Il ministro Atalay non è riuscito a pronunciare che poche parole prima di essere letteralmente travolto dagli insulti e dalle urla dell’opposizione.
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