Resistance in Sur: Workers find body during excavation work

Resistance in Sur: Workers find body during excavation work


A body believed to belong to a person killed by the Turkish state during the autonomous-government resistance in 2015 was found in the borough of Sur, in Amed.

Speaking to Welat Newspaper on condition of anonymity an employee of a company working in Sur said that they found a “body wrapped in a white cloth” during the excavations carried out on 5 February in the area between the Catholic Church and Hasırlı Mosque.

He added that the police came to the scene and ordered the workers out of the area, which was then cordoned off. The worker said that Forensic Medicine Institution teams were called and the body was removed by the police two hours later.

The body is believed to belong to a person who lost his life during the massacres carried out under the name of “curfew” by the state on 2 December 2015 while attacking the against the autonomous-government resistance in Sur. The resistance in Sur lasted 106 days.

The body recovered has not been identified yet, but it is said that it could be the body of Hakan Arslan, who lost his life on 22 January 2016 and was buried in Hasırlı Mosque. His family has been searching for the body of their son for five years.

The applications of the family, who came to Amed dozens of times to search for his body, have always been rejected.

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