Sallux says Europe, US, Canada should stop defending Turkey

Sallux says Europe, US, Canada should stop defending Turkey


Director of Sallux Johannes de Jong suggested that NATO member States say that Turkey can no longer count on protection based on Article 5 of the NATO Treaty until it changes its behaviour.

Director of Sallux Johannes de Jong talked to journalist Erem Kansoy about Sallux publication on European security, Turkish foreign affairs and Article 5 of the NATO Treaty.

Article 5 provides that if a NATO ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the ally attacked.

The EU, US, Canada and NATO are struggling with the question of how to deal with Turkish aggression. The strategy suggested by Sallux is that NATO member States, backed by their Parliaments or Congress, will state that Turkey can no longer count on protection based on Article 5 of the NATO Treaty until Turkey changes its behaviour.

Johannes de Jong has been leading Sallux since its start in 2011. He has been focusing on economy and international relations with a specific attention to those who are quickly overlooked in the global economy and geopolitics. Since 2014 he has intensively worked with the Kurds, Syriac-Assyrians and Yazidis of Syria and Iraq with a specific focus on the developments in northern Syria.

De Jong’s main aim has been to establish connections between the peoples of these regions and decision-makers and influencers in the western world.

The interview was prepared with the support of the Freedom for Ocalan Campaign and the Peace in Kurdistan campaign in collaboration with Medya Haber TV and Sterk TV.

Source: ANF

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