Egypt. No More Impunity, Truth and Justice for All


When they ask for truth and justice for their son, Giulio Regeni, his parents always do so by adding at the end of the sentence “for all Giuli and Giulie”, aware that the victims of forced disappearance and torture in Egypt are a multitude lacking all protection

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A Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights


The global architecture of the economy has been designed to fit and facilitate the operations of transnational corporations. The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity

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Yemen, A Devastated Country Where Impunity Has Become Endemic


The war in Yemen has been raging for six years, and no end is in sight. Impunity is endemic and Yemen is a devastated country. This statement was published in the Global Rights Report – State of the World’s Impunity 2020

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Eat the Rich? Wealth Inequality Explodes


The world’s 26 richest people possess the same wealth as the poorest 50%, a figure estimated to be 3.8 billion people

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Human Rights Watch, 2017 WORLD REPORT 


Human Rights Watch (HRW) have recently launched their World Report 2017 – Events of 2016

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FRONT LINE DEFENDERS. The Human Rights Defenders Report 2016


The Dublin-based HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS launched their Annual Report on Human Rights Defenders at Risk in 2016, January 5th 2017

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Mensaje internacional contra las medidas de excepción carcelarias 0


Post Views: 4 RECHAZO A LA POLÍTICA CARCELARIA La declaración «En el camino de la paz», lanzada con la firma de doce personalidades referenciales de los derechos humanos, pide abandonar la dispersión, la doctrina 197/2006 y la persecución a la

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Túnez, la revolución 0


Post Views: 6 Bernabé López García José Daniel Fierro y Alma Allende (Santiago Alba Rico). Descargar reseña en PdfJóse Daniel Fierro y Alma Allende (Santiago Alba Rico). Túnez, la revolución. Sedicciones 28. Editorial Hiru. Hondarribia 2011.ISBN: 978-84-96584-41-9La ventaja de Internet,

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El aporte de Frantz Fanon dentro del proceso de liberación de los pueblos 0


Post Views: 26 IV encuentro Afrodescendientes y las Transformaciones Revolucionarias en América y el Caribe Mireille Fanon-Mendès France Fundación Frantz Fanon Fanon, que se trate de la locura, del racismo o del “universalismo” confiscado por los poderosos, no cesa, en

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Arundhati Roy: ‘They are trying to keep me destabilised. Anybody who says anything is in danger’ 0


Post Views: 6 The Booker prize-winning novelist on her political activism in India, why she no longer condemns violent resistance – and why it doesn’t matter if she never writes a second novel Stephen Moss Arundhati Roy. Photograph: Sarah LeeThis

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